News Listing


Here are some important updates on the League’s ongoing efforts to advocate for credit unions at both the state and federal levels. There have been significant changes at the federal level, and we are closely monitoring developments to keep you informed.


In the years since the state legislature passed a high school financial mandate, interest and demand in financial education has gone through the roof. To help meet the challenges and demand, the League’s foundation (CUBFI) has invested heavily in the financial reality fair program to help connect credit unions with their local school community as a way to connect with potential younger members and ...


An ATM management company has failed to make necessary payments to the ATM networks as well as to service its loan debt. Paramount Management Group has shown significant financial trouble in the past year, leading to insolvency and closure. While you may not know Paramount Management Group, you are probably aware of some of the smaller ATM ISO companies such as First Regents, CKE, and Sharenet ...


Over the past 15 years, ATM “change events” (ADA compliance, Windows operating system migrations, EMV, ATM manufacturer mandated end-of-life replacements, and continual software security mandates) have compelled many credit unions to look at more efficient and simple ways to manage their ATM fleets.

Credit Union

On Christmas Eve, HFCU President & CEO Ed Danek joined Brian Shactman, host of Brian & Company on WTIC radio, to make a very special announcement about the Holiday Store Annual Toy Drive. For the second year, Hartford Federal Credit Union offered a MATCH of up to $10,000 in donations (Christmas Eve only) for the Drive, which benefits The Salvation Army.  It didn’t take long for the donations to ...

Credit Union

As part of the ConnexCares Annual Holiday Give, Connex partnered with Children in Placement, a nonprofit organization advocating for abused and neglected children throughout the child welfare and judicial systems. In addition to a $1,500 in-kind donation, from November 13 through mid-December, Connex members and staff collectively donated over 700 toys, clothing, and personal care items to ...


Thank you so much to all the credit unions who sold raffle tickets for our 33rd annual Credit Unions Building Financial Independence (CUBFI) raffle! Collectively, more than 12,000 tickets were sold in the raffle that went into the drawing, which was held on Friday, December 13th at 2:00 p.m. at the American Eagle Financial CU corporate headquarters and on Facebook Live.

Credit Union

The Tobacco Valley Teachers Federal Credit Union (TVTFCU) donated a variety of toys that were collected from credit union members and staff, to the Enfield Police Department’s “Toys for Joy” program. This annual program provides new toys for children in the Enfield area.

Credit Union

Sikorsky Credit Union donated $27,000 and toys to local non-profit organizations in time for the holiday